An exhibition about Love, by Angelo Cruciani.

Speaking, today, about love, and doing it through mountains of hearts and disenchanted messages is a choice of great courage.
When I met Angelo, I appreciated a lot his talent in styling, then I discovered his ability in designing clothes. Now he can still amaze me, pulling out of his colorful cylinder the capacity extremely refined to create visual artworks (paintings in mixed media) that speak of sincere feelings, concrete, and they do it through signs and vivid colors, full of love.

On July 2nd, 2015, in Milan, the first Chinese gallery of contemporary art in Italy hosted the debut of LOVVISM, L’amore va di moda.
LOVVISM is the summary of a journey that lasted four years, moved on to explore deeply the symbol of love: a path that dismembers and reassembles the cosmic energy of a divine feeling. Love returns of being fashionable and claims his throne: in an increasingly virtual reality, it’s going on an overwhelming media invasion, that reports an indispensable collective need of sweetness.

Is it the beginning of a new Humanism? Probably yes. From the image of Christ to the flags of the world economic powers. The scope of the research for Cruciani goes into unpredictable directions, and it does so supported by the talented Manuel Scrima, photographer for years in creative couple with the artist, which translates into images the collective, conceptual and aesthetic actions of the project.
Yin and Yang of a single vision, thesis and antithesis of a unique message, Apollonian and Dionysian of a thought of beauty that tells of love through love.

Text: Antonio Moscogiuri